… and I strongly believe that most people could be much wealthier if they took their financial destiny in their own hands.

In my day job I’m working in the German automotive industry at one of the big and in my opinion great automotive suppliers. It is a highly interesting business in an extremely exciting time where a lot of things are in the process of changing or will be different in the next years.

When I’m not working in my day job or spending time with my family, I’m creating Videos for YouTube and Skillshare.com that should help people to understand better:

  • how investing actually works
  • how to get the best results out of the time they like to spend with this topic
  • how to reduce risks
  • and how to improve their private financial situation.

If you’re searching for the latest hot stock tips or if you’re hoping for another “get rich quick” site this is probably not the right place for you. But if you want to learn how to invest intelligently and how you really can build up a fortune over time – without actually changing much in your life – there are some good ideas, strategies, techniques and thoughts to share.

If you like to see more, have a look at my YouTube channel or check out my skillshare.com courses that give you the complete, detailed and structured introduction to investing (more information about this here).

If you want to contact me, just send me an email.

(I’m still loving and using this old-fashioned thing… 😊)